

In the Alexander technique, FM Alexander’s primary ‘directions’ are a sequence of instructions used to direct the body and to build up a new bodily pattern that prevents misuse of the body and brings about improved use of the whole self.

“To let the neck be free [of unnecessary tension], to let the head go forward and up [to balance on top of the spine and not be pulled back and down], to let the back lengthen and widen, altogether, one after the other.”

Other than these directions to the torso, there is also another primary direction to the legs. This being “to allow the knees to move forward and away [from the groin]”. (This direction to the legs also has some impact on the torso, specifically by helping the lower back to lengthen.)

There are then other secondary directions throughout the rest of the body.

The term ‘directions’ is used with different but interconnected meanings. Firstly, the ‘directions’ are mental instructions we learn to give ourselves both before and while performing any action to bring about improvements in the way we use our whole psychophysical being (mind and body).

These instructions also refer to the physical ‘direction’ in which we wish to allow our bodies to lengthen and release. For example, allowing our shoulders to release out sideways and away from each other and allowing our torso to lengthen and widen. As an Alexander technique teacher, I use my hands to encourage the student’s own use of direction in hands-on lessons.

The directions are sometimes called the ‘orders’. Also, with overlapping meanings, in terms of both being mental instructions and also hierarchically ordering the body – with the orders, or directions, to the head, neck, and back being the most important (or primary).

The Alexander directions themselves are thoughts and ‘allowings’ rather than ‘doings’ or things we physically do. They allow us to lengthen and widen and expand. This is what everything in nature does naturally under ideal conditions. It is only our habitual tensions and our tendency to over-‘do’ that interfere with this. (Note: trying to physically ‘do’ the directions leads to muscular activity – a contraction – that causes more tightening, shortening and narrowing of the muscles. This is the opposite of what is intended.)

As an Alexander technique teacher, I ask my students to think the directions. ‘Thinking’ the Alexander directions and ‘thinking about’ them are different.

Thinking the directions is a kinaesthetic experience that allows release into expansion. Our ability to think the directions is linked to our ability to be in the present moment. We get better at this with practise.

In comparison, thinking about the directions is an intellectual experience that includes analysing, judging, and labelling how our bodies are responding. This is also a form of ‘doing’ because the mind is trying to control and make the directions happen in the body – this creates tension and interferes with the process of allowing the release into expansion. When we start working with the Alexander technique, we tend to over-do the directions and we get better at ‘allowing’ them over time.

The Alexander directions help us to become more conscious of our surrounding environment and how we move through three-dimensional space. We also become aware of the underlying organisation that occurs in all living creatures. That is, the head leads the rest of the body, with the spine extending naturally to its full length, led by the crown of the head.

When combined with the inhibition (stopping) of our habitual reactions and misuse, working with the directions gradually builds up a new, improved use of our whole psychophysical selves. We get out of our ruts and learn to think and move along new pathways – with new direction – throughout our daily lives.

Also see primary control.

See other glossary terms and definitions.

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