
Primary control

FM Alexander used the term ‘primary control’ to refer to the dynamic relationship of the head to the neck and the rest of the body.

When discovering his technique, Alexander came to realise the way the head was oriented in relation to the body (the head–neck–back relationship) constituted a master reflex. This master reflex – or primary control – determines the coordination, tone, and manner of behaviour of a person’s whole psychophysical being and has extremely wide-reaching effects. (Also see How the Alexander technique was discovered and how it works.)

This same master reflex occurs in all living creatures. It is seen as the head leads and the rest of the body follows within the field of gravity. It is also clearly seen in the physical startle pattern and in fight–flight, freeze, and fawn stress responses.

An appropriate use of this primary control is only possible when we do not interfere with this master reflex by tightening our neck muscles. Instead we need to allow our head to balance freely on the atlanto-occipital joint at the top of the spine.

In Alexander technique lessons, we become aware of how we interfere with this primary control through our habitual tension, contraction, and misuse. We then learn to inhibit these harmful habits and to give directions to use ourselves more effectively. This allows our head–neck–back relationship – or primary control – to function as was intended.

Once the primary control is functioning more effectively, improvements to a person’s whole psychophysical being begin to occur. Their overall balance, health, and wellbeing start to improve. As part of this, individuals also tend to become calmer and less reactive to stress.

See other glossary terms and definitions.

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