
Stimulus / stimuli

In the Alexander technique, the terms ‘stimulus’ and ‘stimuli’ are used in the sense of objects or events perceived by the senses that act as cues and stimulate a reaction or response in us, or act as incentives for us to do something.

Stimuli can come from within ourselves and also from our environment. For example, someone asking you to sit down is a stimulus. Being worried you will forget your lines is a stimulus. Your boss or partner yelling at you is another. The smell of gorgeous food that stimulates your hunger is another.

Stimuli come in all shapes, sizes, and varieties.

In the Alexander technique, we aim to stop potentially harmful automatic and unconscious responses to stimuli so that increasingly we can more consciously and mindfully choose how we will respond to what is happening both within ourselves and in our surrounding environment.

See other glossary terms and definitions.

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